Watch student engagement EXPLODE in your classroom with this new 5E-aligned unit!
What is the 5E model? The 5E model was developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) and is an inquiry-based approach to science education designed to promote active learning through five phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. This model helps students build a deep understanding of scientific concepts by encouraging them to connect new knowledge with prior experiences and become an active participant in the learning process. In essence, your students will learn science by doing science!
Reach all learners in your classroom using this research-supported instructional approach. This unit bundle includes everything you need to inspire, motivate, differentiate, scaffold, and assess your students in learning chemistry. This technology-infused bundle is perfect for 1:1 classrooms and flipped classrooms.
Included content:
- Atomic theory
- Atomic structure
- Isotopes
- Ions
- Atomic mass
- Introduction to the periodic table
- Mass spectroscopy (H)
Standards addressed:
Performance Expectation: HS-PS1-1 - Use the periodic table as a model to predict the relative properties of elements based on the patterns of electrons in the outermost energy level of atoms
Disciplinary Core Ideas: PS1.A: Structure and Properties of Matter, PS2.B: Types of Interactions
Specific Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts are identified within each lesson in the teacher lesson planner.
Pre-requisite knowledge required:
This unit is designed to be the second unit in an on-level chemistry class. Ideally, your students would have working knowledge of the scientific process, classification of matter, and significant figures. Ability to solve simple algebraic equations, calculate percentages, and determine weighted averages is also necessary.
Included learning modalities and assessments:
- (1) Phenomodelingâ„¢ Activity
- (2) Guided-Inquiry Activities
- (2) Lab Activities
- (4) Learning Station Activities
- Foldable
- PowerPoint Slides {Editable}
- Task Cards
- Practice Worksheets
- Formative Assessments: Google Formsâ„¢, Exit Tickets, Practice, Video Questions {Editable}
- Summative Assessments {Editable}
- Googleâ„¢ Daily Agenda Slides for easier planning! (Just updated, October 2024)
- Answer keys and grading suggestions for all activities and assessments
- Teacher Lesson Planner: Pacing, Learning Objectives, NGSS-alignment, Teacher Tips/Prep, Assessments
- Includes differentiated lessons and assessments for both college-prep and honors level chemistry.
- Free updates forever!
Unit Duration: This unit takes approximately 2-2.5 weeks of instructional time for a traditional bell schedule. (Approximately 11-13, 50-minute periods or 6-6.5, 90-minute class periods. )
File Types: When you purchase this product, you will have access a zipped folder that contains various file types including: PDFs, Word, and PowerPoint files. External links to online resources are provided in the Teacher Lesson Planner.
Have questions? Email for assistance.
MsRazz ChemClass
1. Will this resource be included as part of a larger bundle? The short answer is: Yes! Like you, I am a full-time classroom chemistry teacher, so while the process of creating and uploading resources will be slower during the school year. But as I vet the resources I create with my students, they will be available for purchase.
I am happy to submit a refund request for any purchases of the smaller bundles once you purchase the larger one. Just send me an email with your order number, and I will take care of the rest.
Store Navigation
Each purchase is for one teacher license. If multiple teachers will be using this product, please add additional licenses to your cart.
Product Terms of Use
You may:
Distribute and use these resources in your classroom
Post this product to a password protected website
Distribute to all students enrolled in your class
You may not:
Post any part of this product on the world wide web for anyone to access
Copy any portion of these resources and post on the web or social media
Share with other teachers that your licenses have not been purchased for
Return Policy
All purchases of digital resources are non-refundable. Please be sure to verify that you have the digital applications (i.e. Microsoft, Google Apps, etc.) needed to open the documents before purchasing. Please read the description and email me with any questions.